How does the radon testing process work?
Testing Process:
We set up some testing equipment in your home for at least 48 hours and then we come and pick it up and read the results.
12 hours prior to dropping of the radon monitor(s) you will need to have closed house conditions.
Closed house conditions means: No windows or doors left open. You can still enter and exit as normal, but we don’t want anything left open.
That is the main requirement, additional information will be provided on site.
Other items include (if applicable): furnace fan must be set to auto on thermostat, no operation of whole house fans, No running fans or dehumidifiers in same room as testing equipment, radon monitor can not be moved or covered.

Scheduling A Radon Test for Real Estate Purchase:
Timmerman Radon Testing uses some of the most advanced continuous radon monitors. Our monitors can give results back quickly making them ideal for for a home sale.
If you have a home under contract and would like a radon test done, I will work directly with the seller or Real Estate Agent to get the test scheduled and notify them of the conditions necessary to complete.
Radon Measurement Cedar Rapids, IA | Radon Measurement Marion, IA | Radon Measurement Hiawatha, IA | Radon Measurement Company Serving Cedar Rapids, Iowa City and the Surrounding Communities. Timmerman Radon Testing Measures for Radon Primarily in Residential Homes | Cedar Rapids, IA Radon Measurement