Radon Testing for Iowa city Rental Properties
(Starting July 1, 2021)
All detached single-family and duplex units must be tested for radon.
Testing must be done by a third-party State Licensed Radon Measurement Specialist.
Appears that there is a 2 years to complete for current rentals and will be required for new rental permits.
If the results are less than 4 pCi/L (picoCuries per liter), the unit shall be retested in 8 years unless there is a habitable bedroom in the basement. If there is a habitable bedroom in the basement it shall be retested every 4 years.
If the test result is equal to or greater than 4.0 pCi/L, a radon mitigation system shall be installed by a State Licensed Mitigation contractor within 90 days, unless there is an extension in writing for good cause. A follow up post mitigation test is required to ensure the system is reducing levels properly. Once this is done, the unit shall be retested every 8 years thereafter.
If the unit has an existing mitigation system installed, the unit shall be retested within 8 years of the last test.
A prior radon test with be accepted if the test was performed within 2 years of the filing of the application for a new rental permit or within 2 years of the expiration of the expired permit.
The owner shall provide a copy of the report to the city
Information summary last updated 01/19/2021: Check with the City of Iowa City for any further updates and full details. https://www.icgov.org/radontesting
How a radon test works
​Closed house conditions are required 12 hours in advance and during the test. This means that windows on all floors must be closed 12 hours in advance and during the test. Occupants may enter and exit as normal. Heating or cooling should be running as normal for occupancy (65° - 80° F) Further condition instructions will be provided.
Testing time minimum is 48 hours if closed house conditions are met 12 hours prior to testing. Access to property is required 2 times for set up and pick up of testing equipment.
Reports with results are typically sent the same day to Landlord or property management company who ordered test.
If you have rental properties that need tested, please give me a call for a free consultation. -Andy Timmerman- 319-213-0228